Email Design & Development

I have built emails for large small business to large companies such as Disney & McDonald's. I'm happy using a variety of software from custom HTML email builds through to Mailchimp Email Templating.

I have built emails for large small business to large companies such as Disney & McDonald's. I'm happy using a variety of software from custom HTML email builds through to Mailchimp Email Templating.

Email Design

I am happy to create a email design for you or if you already have the designs created I can just create the mark-up to ensure it works in all email clients. When designing a email for a campaign there are various methods in achieving interest, whether it be through using space and colour, to using animations. I can create a design suitable to your offering.

HTML Email Development

The development of an email campaign differs slightly to that of building web pages. Web browsers are a lot more friendly on us developers and display exactly how we desire. However email clients (and there are many of them!) all differ in the way they display your beautiful email. I develop emails which are tested in all major email clients ensuring they display correctly on all clients and devices.

Responsive for mobile

The development of an email campaign differs slightly to that of building web pages. Web browsers are a lot more friendly on us developers and display exactly how we desire. However email clients (and there are many of them!) all differ in the way they display your beautiful email. I develop emails which are tested in all major email clients ensuring they display correctly on all clients and devices.

Specfic Requirements


I am familiar with various email marketing platforms, but my platform of choice would be Mailchimp. I find it an affordable solution for my clients as it provides great flexibility, functionality and provides great stats/reports in order for you to complete and analyse the success of a campaign.

Tracking & Reporting

Dependant on the Email Marketing Platform used to send out your emailers, the majority of them provide stats and reports to show you how recipients have interacted with your email. These stats and reports show open rates, clickthrough rates and which sections of your email has acquired most interest. They can be useful in analysing the success of a campaign on how to make changes to improve going forward.

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